miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

The Mayan Civilization

When the Olmec culture diapered, some of their religion and ceremonies passed to other cultures. One of those civilizations, that adapted their culture,was the Mayan . The Mayan were located in Mesoamerica, in the Peninsula of Yucata. Because of their geographical position, they could trade, farm and make some city-states. One of the best period for the Mayan civilization was called the Classic Period, and it lasted from A.D 250 to A.D 900. In those times, they began to make city-states. Some of the most important city-sates were, Tikal, Copal and Palenke.

Their city-sates were completely independent from the others. Each one had their own king, but their religion was the same in all the territory. Their social structure was: first the king, followed the novel class, made up if priests and living warriors, then the merchants and artisans, next the farmers, and at the end of the social class were the slaves. In their lands, they farm: bean, squash, and maize. Their religion consists in a polytheistic way of thinking, the most important god was the one of the fire, and they also made rituals for honoring those gods. One of these rituals was the ball game, which consists to play, but the team that lost was scarified to the gods, and the one that wins, was given a lot of fertile lands. This play was only aloud for the novel class.

The Mayan was a culture that, in all their living time, they advanced a lot in all the parts of: science, math, astrology, and writing. They made a big discovery, which was, the calendar. The calendar helps them to plan, in which days or month they had to raise their crops, and on what days, or month was better to make wars. They also develop a writing system called the glyphs. This ones stand for a whole word, syllable, or sound. Around 900 the Mayans began to abandon their lands, without us knowing wat was their reason.
But no all of them go, some of the Mayan city-states still there, with the same culture they had so many years ago.

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